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The "From Ocean to Ocean" peregrination program in Mexico from December 3, 2014 to March 20, 2017

Wed. Dec. 3 Arrival from Chicago to Leon - Bajio Airport. Mass at 5 pm St. Pius X. Calle Schuber s/n. Col León Moderno. Leon, Guanajuato.

Thu. Dec. 4 Salamanca, Guanajuato. Welcome. Car Procession. Salamanca-Irapuato entrance. ; Mass 7 pm Parroquia Sagrado Corazon. Arbol Grande y Tenixtepec. Col Bellavista

Fri. Dec. 5  Querétaro. Mass 7:00 pm. Santuario de Nuestra Señora del Pueblito. Pedro Urtiga No. 27. Centro Corregidora, Querétaro.

Sat. Dec 6 Queretaro. "Vidafest Nacional" preparation event: Retreat "Healing wounds from the womb" with Fr. Inocencio Llamas. 8:00 am-5:00 pm. Auditorio Juan Pablo II. Instituto La Paz. Calle El Sol, No. 40, Col. Acueducto. Querétaro, Qro.

Sun. Dec. 7

- Mass 10:30 AM. Arrival at the Parish of Our Lady of Czestochowa. Address: Fuente de Trevi 183, Fuente de Cibeles corner, Col. Tecamachalco, Naucalpan, Edo. Mexico.

- Mass 5:30 PM. celebrated by Fr. Jaroslaw Szymczack (Polonia), Parish Hall of St. John Paul II and St. Thomas More Church. Address: Vito Alessio Robles 206, Col. Florida, Mexico, D.F. Closing and renewal of wedding vows from I+YOU=WE Workshop, sponsored by Fundacion Vida Florida/Family Support Foundation.

- Mass 7:00 PM. Sunday Community Mass, celebrated by the pastor Fr. Luis A. Monroy Lopez (Mexico), and Fr. James Heyd (EE.UU.). Preceded by welcome with flowers and music

Mon. Dec. 8. - Antigua Basilica of Guadalupe. Human Rights Day of Conceived. 3:00 PM Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Mass 6:00 PM chaired by Mgr. Pedro Agustin Rivera, accompanied by Fr. James Heyd, Vicar of the Diocese of Chicago, EE.UU.

Wed. - Fri.  Dec. 10 - 12 St. John Paul II and St. Thomas More Church - Vito Alessio Robles 206, Col. Florida, Mexico, D.F.

Sat. - Mon. Dec 13 - 15 Querétaro "National Vidafest"

Tue. - Sun. Dec. 16 - 21 St. John Paul II and St. Thomas More Church - Vito Alessio Robles 206, Col. Florida, Mexico, D.F.

Sun. - Sun. Dec. 21 - 28 Saint Mary, Hope in Our Lord Resurrection Parrish,  Alborada 430 Parques del Pedregal. Tlalpan. Col. Tlalpan.

Mon. Dec. 29, 2014 - Wed. Jan. 14, 2015 St. John Paul II and St. Thomas More Church - Vito Alessio Robles 206, Col. Florida, Mexico, D.F

Sun. Jan. 25 St. John Paul II and St. Thomas More Church - Vito Alessio Robles 206, Col. Florida, Mexico, D.F. 17:00 Mass in Polish.

Sun. Feb. 1  12:30 Czestochowa Parrish commemorating foundation (Sunday 31, 1960). Fuentes de Cibeles 38 Lomas de Tecamachalco, Naucalpan, Edomex

Sat. Feb 7 Day of Faithful Youth. Seminario Menor, Tlalpan, DF

Sun. Feb 15 - Sun. Mar. 1 Our Lady of Guadalupe, The Star Of New Evangelization Parrish, Las Aguilas, DF

Sun. - Sun. Mar. 8 - 15 St. Francis de Sales Parrish, Periodista, DF

Sun. - Sun. Mar. 15 - 22 Apostolic Sisters of Saint John inside Mexican Red Cross Emergency Hospital. Av. Ejercito Nacional 1032. Los Morales Polanco. Miguel Hidalgo, Ciudad de México. 11510

Sun. - Sat. Mar. 22- 28 The Black Virgin holding the infant God remains accompanied by Jesus of Divine Mercy in a 24 hours prayer on the sidewalk that faces one of the points in Mexico City where countless lifes of innocent children in the womb of their mothers are legally terminated silently (48 abortions per day since 27 April 2007 legalization in Mexico City before 12 weeks of gestation). Manzanillo Street between Campeche and Coahuila. Roma, DF 06760.

Sat. Mar. 28 40 Days for Life campaign/Campaña 40 días por la Vida—México. The vigil of 40 days 24 hours continuous. Our Lady of Czestochowa moves to the point   in Iztapalapa where prayer Vigil of 40 Days is going to finish. She will be together on this last night of prayer.

Sun. Mar. 29 12:00am - 5:00am Meeting of groups praying. 5:00am - 8:00am Last day of prayer. 8:00am - 8:50am Transfer by cars to the Basilica of Guadalupe. 9:00am - 10:00am Solemn Palm Sunday Mass in the Basilica of Guadalupe presided by Norberto Cardinal Rivera Carrera, Archbishop of Mexico and Ennio Cardinal Antonelli, President Emeritus of the Pontifical Council for the Family. 10:00am - 10:20am Delivery of flowers to the Virgin and transfer to the room (next to the Basilica). 10:30am - 12:30pm Break -Closing Event.

Mon. Mar. 30 Transfer to San Juan Bautista Parish - Shrine of the Divine Mercy, staffed by the community of the Pallottine Fathers from Poland. 5:00pm Reception, 6:00pm Mass. Av Nacional s/n Tenango del Aire. State of Mexico, 56780.

Tue. Mar. 31 5:00pm Welcome in the "Villa de las Niñas" in Chalco-Mixquic Road Km 2 Chalco. State of Mexico, 56600.

Wed. - Sun. Apr. 1 - 5 One night and one day in each of the 4 buildings where 1,000 girls live. In total 4,000 who study in Secondary or Technical School and living in “Villa de las Niñas" under the maternal protection of the "Sisters of Mary" Congregation, founded by Mgr. Aloysius Schwartz.

Sun. - Fri.  Apr. 5 - 10 Contemplative Sisters Conception Convent of Santa Beatriz de Silva. "Divine Mercy" Monastery. St. Negrete s/n Juchitepec State of Mexico, 56860.

Fri. Apr. 10 2:30pm Transfer to San Juan Bautista Parish - Shrine of the Divine Mercy in Av Nacional s/n Tenango del Aire. State of Mexico, 56780. 3:00pm Prayer of the Chaplet of Mercy, Novena to the Mercy Sunday.

Sat. Apr. 11 Vigil and final day of the Novena. 6:00pm Rosary.

Sun. Apr. 12 Feast of Divine Mercy. 7:00am Parish Mass, 8:00am San Mateo Mass; 9:30am Parish Mass. 10:00am Talk about Mercy (Sr. Eloina). 11:10am Presentation of the From Ocean to Ocean Pilgrimage of Our Lady of Czestochowa. 11:40am Mañanitas in the garden. Noon Pontifical Mass celebrated by Archbishop Christophe Louis Yves Georges Pierre, Apostolic Nuncio in Mexico and concelebrated by S.E. Mgr. Victor Rene Rodriguez Gomez, Bishop of the Diocese of Valle de Chalco with exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Prayer of the Chaplet. 3:00pm Hour of Divine Mercy with testimonies of the Missionary of the Lord of Divine Mercy. 5:00pm Parish Mass. 6:00pm Procession.

Mon. - Sat. Apr. 13 - 18 Divine Mercy Shrine. Daily Mass at 6:00pm. Catechesis for families.

Sat. Apr. 18 Transfer to St. John Paul II and St. Thomas More Church - Vito Alessio Robles 206, Col. Florida, Mexico, D.F

Sun. - Sat. Apr. 19 - 30 Preparation for "North Border" and afterwards.

Thu. Apr. 30  2 pm farewell at International Airport of Mexico City. 9 pm Arrival at Tijuana Airport. 9:15 pm welcoming of the Sacred Icon by the Disciples of Jesus and the Missionaries of Charity Priests. 10:00 pm escort to Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcuta Sanctuary. 10:30 pm the Chapel of the General House of the Missionaries of Charity Priests General House founded by Blessed Mother Theresa.

Fri. May 1 Morning Prayer and veneration during the day (St. Joseph the Worker) in the chapel of the Shrine of Missionaries of Charity. Provida Regional Meeting preparatory prayer. Radio and TV interview Mount Mary on the Pilgrimage "From Ocean to Ocean". Koinonia recording Radio and TV Program for Provida St. Faustina about the pilgrimage in Defense of Life "From Ocean to Ocean".

Sat. May 2 Feast of the Queen of Poland, Regional Meeting Provida. 8:45 am welcome to Our Lady in the main chapel of the Blessed Teresa of Calcuta Shrine. 9 am welcome and VidaFlorida Foundation message. Provida Regional Program Meeting 2 pm Message VidaFlorida Foundation. 3 pm Chaplet of Divine Mercy in reparation for abortion. Procession through the streets with the pro-life rosary and Our Lady in Her Icon. 4 pm Mass presided by the Metropolitan Archbishop Mons. Rafael Romo Muñoz with liturgy of veneration of the Holy Mother of God and of Men in the Sacred Icon. Consecration of the Civilization of Life and Love to Our Lady. 6 pm Holy Hour. Eucharistic Vigil.

Sun. May 3  Blessed Teresa of Calcuta Sanctuary. 9 am Holy Cross and Our Lady of Czestochowa Mass. 10 am consecration to the Virgin for Life - Holy Rosary. 11 am Mass and Consecration. Noon Procession to the Holy Family Parish. (Calle Roma and Paris, Colonia Altamira, 22054 Tijuana. 5 pm Procession to San Isidro Labrador. Murua 17 Colonia Murua Este, 22465. 7 pm Holy Rosary and Consecration 8 pm Our Lady of Czestochowa returns to the Shrine of Blessed Teresa of Calcuta

Mon. –Tue. May 4 - 5 Convent of the Missionaries of Charity. Av. Luis Moya 1920, Colonia Libertad 22300 Tijuana, BC

Thu. May 7 Kolbe Institute, Tijuana

Fri. May 8 Christ of Redepmtion Parrish, Tijuana

Sat. - Sun. May 9-10 Monastery of Brigid Sisters (Tecate)

Mon. - Fri. May 11-15 Sanctuary Blessed Theresa of Calcuta, Tijuana

Sat. May 16 Our Lord of Mercy Parrish, Tijuana

Sun. May 17 Our Lady of Fatima Parrish, Rosarito

Mon. May 18 Our Lady of the Ocean, Rosarito (Pacific Ocean)

Tue. May 19 Saint Bernabe Apostle

Wed. May 20 Expiatory Temple of Saint Rafael Guizar y Valencia

Thu. May 21 Saint Michael Archangel

Fri. May 22 Sanctuary Blessed Theresa of Calcuta, Tijuana

Sat. - Sun. May 23-24 Monastery of Brigid Sisters (Guaycura)

Mon. May 25 Holy Mass celebrating Life (Inmaculate Conception Church) Rosarito

Tue. - Thu. May 26-28 Our Lady of Guadalupe Parrish, Rosarito

Fri. - Sat. May 29-30 Missionary Christ

Sun. May 31 Sanctuary Blessed Theresa of Calcuta, Tijuana. Preparation for Kracow's World Youth Day

Mon. - Sat. Jun. 1-13 Tijuana - Mexicali - Juarez (North Border)

Sun. - Sat. 14 Jun. - Jul. 11 Hermosillo - Obregon - Los Mochis - Culiacan - La Paz - Mazatlan

Sun. - Sat. Jul. 12 - Aug. 1 Durango - Torreon - Saltillo - Monterrey

Sun. - Sat. Aug. 2- 22 Tampico - San Luis Potosi - Zacatecas - Aguascalientes

Sun. - Sat. Aug. 23 - Sep. 26 Lagos de Moreno - Guadalajara - Tepic - Manzanillo

Sun. - Sat. Sep. 27 - Oct. 17 Uruapan - Patzcuaro - Quiroga - Morelia

Sun. - Sat. Oct. 18 - 31 Veracruz - Tehuacan - Puebla

Sun. - Sat. Nov. 1 - Dic. 19 Puebla - Mexico City - Cuernavaca

Sun. - Sat. Dec. 20- Jan. 23, 2016 Chilpancingo - Tlapa

Sun. - Sat. Jan 24 - Feb. 27 Oaxaca - Tuxtla

Sun. - Thru. Feb 28 - Mar. 17 Villahermosa - Campeche - Merida - Cancún

Fri. - Sat. Mar. 18 - Apr. 9 Mexico City - Tenango del Aire - México City

Fri. Apr. 15 Guatemala City



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